Theatre The work and life of Martha Gellhorn, the great war correspondent who covered practically every trouble-spot on earth for six decades, including the Spanish Civil War, D-Day, Dachau, Viet Nam, Greenham Common, El Salvador and Mandela’s inauguration. Gellhorn’s main message … Jack Klaff : Martha Gellhorn
The work and life of Martha Gellhorn, the great war correspondent who covered practically every trouble-spot on earth for six decades, including the Spanish Civil War, D-Day, Dachau, Viet Nam, Greenham Common, El Salvador and Mandela’s inauguration. Gellhorn’s main message … Jack Klaff : Martha Gellhorn
Festivals Literature The work and life of Martha Gellhorn, the great war correspondent who covered practically every trouble-spot on earth for six decades, including the Spanish Civil War, D-Day, Dachau, Viet Nam, Greenham Common, El Salvador and Mandela’s inauguration. Gellhorn’s main message … Jack Klaff : Martha Gellhorn